DeSci Research

Covering DeSci (decentralized science) through ongoing DeSci Landscape Analysis Reports

DeSci Landscape Analysis

Advancing our understanding of the decentralized science ecosystem

We started our journey by conducting a phase 1 study to examine the impact of Gitcoin Round 15 on Decentralized Science projects. The survey we conducted during Phase 1 revealed that the DeSci community wants more clarity and communication about what these projects are doing, to make it easier to follow their work and collaborate. There is also interest in knowing more about the demographics of each project's team members, including gender, age, professional background, nationality, etc. Additionally, respondents requested more information on how to collaborate and receive funds, as well as a way to measure DeSci's impact.To address these concerns, we launched phase 2, which consists of a new survey that aims to identify the number of active DeSci projects, their focus areas, achievements, organizational structure, funding, and demographics of the team leadership. We will also conduct a network and cluster analysis to identify potential relationships between projects and explore opportunities to share resources.In the upcoming phases, we plan to attract investors, students, and experienced researchers from outside the web3 space. To do this, we'll need to conduct more precise research on market fit, funding models, and how to build bridges between DeSci and traditional science.

Report 2

If you are in the DeSci ecosystem, we are accepting responses for the DeSci Landscape Analysis Report #2. Please contribute to the general knowledge of this growing ecosystem.

Report 1

The first report was focused on Exploring Crowdfunding Effects On Project Development.

Future Reports

Future reports will explore other domains related to DeSci

The Team


Francisco Diaz

Caro Menchaca

Dr. Lukas Weidener

About Us
The DeSci Landscape Analysis is the first multidisciplinary research group dedicated to in-depth analysis of the DeSci Space. Powered by DeSciWorld and talentDAO to explore developments, products, and governance structures to encourage collaboration among projects. It also seeks to attract new talent and resources to DeSci.

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Advancing understanding of DeSci

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